ACHIEVE A HEALTHY BALANCE Nourish and strengthen your body’s five major systems with Quinary®, Sunrider’s complex blend of 50 herbs, specially formulated to help you maintain good health. Quinary addresses the immune, circulatory, digestive, endocrine, and respiratory systems without using synthetic chemicals or preservatives.*
The formula for Quinary is based on the Philosophy of Regeneration — the belief that we should nourish and cleanse our bodies with the best nutrition to reach balance, and thus optimal health. Quinary is specially formulated and highly concentrated for maximum absorption and efficacy in the body.
Balances the body’s five systems* Supports overall health Made with natural ingredients No added chemicals or stimulants Highly concentrated Expertly formulated for optimal results INGREDIENT HIGHLIGHTS
LIFESTREAM® - Lifestream addresses the circulatory system with water element herbs that promote balance and fluidity.*
CONCO® - Conco addresses the respiratory system.* It contains metal element herbs to help create balance with a combination of warming herbs that cleanse with yang energy, and cooling herbs that nourish with yin energy.*
ASSIMILAD® - Assimilaid addresses the digestive system with earth element herbs that can help the body process food quickly and efficiently.*
PRIME AGAIN® - Prime Again addresses the endocrine system, working in harmony with hormone- producing glands and the organs they support.*
POTASSIUM - Potassium is a very important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs in the body. It is also a vital electrolyte, a substance that conducts electricity in the body.
ALPHA 20C® - Alpha 20C addresses the immune system, nourishes T-cells with wood element herbs, and contains antioxidants and calcium.*
Q:I feel fine. Why should I take Quinary?
A: In keeping with Chinese tradition and the Philosophy of Regeneration®, daily maintenance of the body with proper nutrition is key to preventing physical malfunction. Dr. Chen created Quinary as a convenient way to keep the body’s five major systems in balance.*
Quinary supplement helps maintain health rather than waiting for the body to malfunction. It addresses the body’s systems collectively as well as individually. Although it is very difficult to achieve with a formula as complex as this one, our blended herbs are maintained without preservatives or synthetic chemicals.
RECOMMENDATION Dissolve one Quinary package into 8 ounces of water and drink as tea at mealtimes. Or consume 1 capsule/bottle of liqui-five at mealtimes.

Download the Quinary Fact Sheet
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.